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TOLDOS GUARDAMAR postpones its Great event.
Because we take care of you.

Toldos Guardamar, through its Care initiative, informs you that due to the great escalation of the coronavirus, which is occurring worldwide, already present in European territories and following the WHO recommendations to avoid large crowds, the direction of Toldos Guardamar, always thinking and watching over the health of our clients and friends, regrets to inform you that we have decided to postpone our Great 2020 Event, until the conditions are conducive to this important celebration.

As every year, we have allocated many resources for the realization of this event and our start of the season, which will be available to you whenever you wish to visit us. We are especially proud of the efforts of our entire great team, which awaits you with open arms.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Toldos Guardamar, for respect for a safe environment.
For more information you can call us at: +34 966 726 258
Calle Isla de Ibiza 12 - 14 . Pol. Ind. Los Mora - 03177 - San Fulgencio – Alicante

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