3 ways to do exercise with your dog

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Those people who have a dog, love doing activities with him, such as sports. For this reason, in this article we want to suggest three ways of doing exercise with your dog, so that you enjoy it to the fullest,  and you get fit and your dog has a great time.

Different researches has been done on dog owners, and the results reveal that they were 34% more likely to do 150 minutes of exercise each week compared to people who do not have this kind of animals as pets.

Practicing exercise with your dog

One of the most common sports to do with our dog is to go for a run, something that can become a unique experience for our furry friend. It will be a great activity for both, where you also can get fit. We must not leave our dog aside, keeping in mind the time of day when we expect to run.

We must bear in mind that, if we are going to run with them in summer, it is necessary to do it first thing in the morning or at the end of the afternoon, because in the middle of the day it is hotter, and the dog will suffer more, something that we want to avoid.

Taking advantage of the infrastructures on the cities, such as pedestrian walks or parks, skating can be another of the alternatives to play with your dog. It is important that, like running, we use a canicross belt, so the dog is always with us.

We end with another great proposal, but only for summer: swimming. When the weather is good, it will be a great activity that helps to tone up all the muscles, being one of the most complete sports that there is.

Do you feel like doing exercise with your dog?

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