
The kisses will return and they will be more intense.

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International Kissing Day is celebrated on April 13 as a tribute to the longest-lasting kiss in history, which took place in Thailand and lasted 58 hours 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

The International Kissing Day arrives again this year in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, not too fond of kisses, especially if it is not between partners. It is true that romance and madness are lost, but we all hope that it is only a temporary thing and that we return to recover the good habits of always.

History of the kiss.

There are many theories related to the origin of the kiss. It is believed that it all started as a result of breastfeeding or perhaps much further back, when hominins walked the world and had to feed their young through their mouths.

But the oldest vestiges of the kiss and of which there is proof to this day, come from the East, specifically from the region of India, where some figures of beings performing this practice were found carved in stone, inside some temples.

The chemistry of the kiss.

The kiss can not only be seen as a simple erotic act, but it goes beyond that. This ancient practice represents an excellent exercise that helps burn calories, can help to strengthen the immune system, as well as create emotional bonds between people.

According to some studies, kissing can be compared to a natural drug, since it causes in individuals an increase in oxytocin, the hormone responsible for generating physical and neurological changes such as pleasure, falling in love and everything related to affectivity.

From Toldos Guardamar we encourage everyone not to forget the benefits of kissing, even with masks, from a distance, from the heart, … and remember how it makes us feel inside. Because when everything passes, the kisses will be longer and more intense than ever.

# WorldKissDay


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