Vitamin D, the sun’s vitamin

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Vitamin D is very important for our body, especially for the skin, but it also helps regulate the levels of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, influences a large number of physiological processes, contributes to bone formation and mineralization, prevents disorders related to Alzheimer’s disease and also influences the processes of the immune system.

Although in Toldos Guardamar we offer a large number of sun protection systems, we also recommend sunbathing to recharge the body of this important vitamin, as you have been able to see, also known as the Sun’s vitamin.

Important characteristics of Vitamin D

One of the main functions of which this very important micronutrient can boast is that of promoting the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the food we eat, as well as the reabsorption of calcium at the renal level.

This vitamin is necessary for skeletal development because it contributes to the formation and mineralization of the bones. That is why it is so recommended that everyone receive good doses of this vitamin, so necessary for the human body.

Another of its nicknames is “anti-rickety” because its deficiency can cause the disease of rickets in children, which consists of weak, thin and quite fragile bones that can end up curving, producing irreversible malformations, as well as osteomalacia in adults, a condition that results in softening of the bones.

It is also very good for the eyes, therefore, it has always been  recommended the consumption of products rich in this vitamin, such as carrot, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, egg, mushrooms, milk, pulses, papaya, soy or Soya milk, etc., being food another of the many ways to provide vitamin D to the body, something that costs nothing and that is of great importance.

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