Toldos Guardamar, where everyone counts

What color to choose for the pergola in my garden?
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Actions to curb climate change from home
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We often read news about diversity, about including everyone and we just nod and continue with our lifes . We agree with a change, but we don’t apply this change to our life and our behavior. We understand that it is difficult because we don’t know where to start. Well, in Toldos Guardamar we know it and we work on it every day. The first thing is to ask yourself: how can I help? (It’s so easy) And then have the will to carry out the ideas you have.

In Toldos Guardamar we look after everyone equally, without differentiation of sex, religion or race. Each person who comes to our facilities, whether or not a customer, is treated with the same care, even if he’s not interested in an awning. We try to help people in their daily problems, with their daily needs, because we believe that in order to be better we must help people in their day to day life. We are convinced that these small attentions make people around us happier and, of course, their life in that moment becomes better, because they have a new friend who will always be willing to listen and support them. They have a family.

It’s simple: comprehension and help, and we will all feel happier.

We behave in the same way with the colleagues that make up the Toldos Guardamar’s family, we always support and listen them. We give the opportunity of accessing  to our vacancies to any person who is qualified to perform the work we need. Thus, Toldos Guardamar is today composed by 30% women (as well in management) and 60% by young people, from different latitudes and with different educational levels, which we prepare day by day to offer our customers a product and service of excellence.

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