Toldos Guardamar always ensuring Safety and Health at work.

28 April, 2020
29 April, 2020
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On April 28 of each year, World Occupational Safety and Health Day is celebrated, born as an annual international awareness campaign to promote safe, healthy and decent work. Since 2003, the International Labor Organization (ILO) has promoted it, emphasizing the prevention of accidents and illnesses at work and taking advantage of its traditional strengths of social dialogue.

Although this year 2020 the topic to be dealt with was “violence and harassment in the world of work”, the current situation of the worldwide Covid-19 Pandemic, and its socio-labor implications has completely transformed this marked day.

 Toldos Guardamar 
has turned their work habitat into a safe place. Not only for the workers themselves, but also for customers who wish to visit us when measures allow.

 -Daily temperature control.

-Hydroalcoholic gel diffusers at various strategic points for hand disinfection.

-Epi’s for our workers; masks, gloves, glasses, disposable special suits for outdoor work.

-Cleaning and disinfection of the facilities every two hours.

We are making profound internal changes to improve the conditions of our workers, and thus also be able to offer a better service to our clients.

At Toldos Guardamar we know that when everything happens, things will change, and we want to be prepared so that your confidence is greater, also providing the same, or greater, quality of service.

At Toldos Guardamar we believe that it is very important to convert our workplace into a safe space, adopting the necessary measures so that our workers, occupy the position they occupy, are safe and without risks to their health and that of you, our clients. Each position has been duly evaluated to guarantee the safety of all our workers.


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