Toldos Guardamar uses 100% recycled paper

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Toldos Guardamar uses 100% recycled paper

“You Should be the change

that you wish to see in the world”

Mahatma Gandhi

Toldos Guardamar turns 35, during which we have always taken care of the environment. Through our initiative, Toldos Guardamar Green, we recycle our waste correctly, we help our customers to recycle their used awnings for free, we have reduced energy consumption, we do not emit CO2 during the production process, favoring the preservation of natural resources, absolutely fundamental values for us. But we want to do more, and that is why we have opted for implementing the use of 100% recycled paper for all our office stationery, with the brand Cyclus Offset that holds the following certifications; Angel Blue, EU Ecolabel and FSC.

Why using recycled paper?

When it comes to paper documents, recycled paper is the greenest choice because it is used less energy in its production, less water and lower carbon emissions than for the production of non-recycled paper. This reduces the amount of waste sent to the landfills as the paper can be recycled up to 5 times.

For the production of one tonne of recycled paper are needed 30,000 liters of water less than for the production of one tonne of paper from virgin fibers.

Recycling reduces CO2 emissions by 20% compared to paper incineration.

The process of producing recycled paper requires 27% less energy than making paper from virgin fibers.

1.2 tons of recycled fibers are required to produce 1 tonne of recycled paper, but 2.5 tons of wood would be needed to produce 1 tonne of virgin fiber paper.

Bury the used paper in landfills methane gas is released that is 25 times more harmful to the enviroment than CO2.

Toldos Guardamar Green, for the responsable use of natural resources.



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