
Toldos Guardamar for a world in peace and harmony among all the beings of this wonderful planet.

15 September, 2020
dia sin coche
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22 September, 2020
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 “If we want a world of peace and justice

                                                                                           intelligence must be decidedly put

at the service of love. “


 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Every year on September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated around the world. The General Assembly has declared this date as the day dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace, through the observation of 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire.


The United Nations General Assembly established the International Day of Peace in 1981. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously decided to designate this Day as a day of non-violence and ceasefire. The United Nations invites all nations and all peoples to respect the cessation of hostilities on this Day and instead to commemorate this date through education and public awareness initiatives on issues related to peace.

Forging peace together.

This year should make us all reflect that together we can achieve more, and that everything we do to this planet has consequences for our health, safety and our lifestyle. COVID-19 has driven our world into turmoil and forcibly reminded us of the vulnerability of the human being when it goes against nature itself.

In these difficult times of physical distancing, this International Day of Peace will be dedicated to fostering dialogue and gathering ideas. The world will be invited to come together and share ideas on how to weather this storm, heal our planet and change it for the better. Although we cannot be next to each other, we can still dream together.

Toldos Guardamar invites you to reflect on the need for there not only to be a day of Peace, but for this peace to be for every day. In wars everyone loses. We must be more united than ever to embark on paths that lead us along this path of Peace and Concord.


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