Toldos Guardamar wishes to raise awareness that we cannot tolerate any type of bullying. Our little ones are more exposed than ever by new technologies.

29 April, 2020
portada dia de la madre
3 May, 2020
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Today, May 2, the intense fight that we must maintain against bullying is commemorated. Toldos Guardamar also wants to emphasize that, in these days of isolation, Cyber ​​Bullying can be just as dangerous.

Despite this forced hiatus, children continue to do homework electronically, so they are more connected to the network, and that without proper supervision can divert their attention to other content. This implies greater responsibility at this time on the part of parents and caregivers, because that type of harassment, sometimes invisible, cannot escape us.

Online bullying can have the same or even more serious psychological consequences. But, ‘like bullying without physical assault, it tends to be played down.’ And this despite the fact that, in Spain, one in four cases of bullying occurs through technological devices, according to the WHO, and that we rank seventh in the ranking of countries with the highest cyberbullying in children of thirteen years.

In addition, in the case of cyberbullying, the witnesses or the aggressors can be thousands. A tweet or comment on Facebook or Instagram that is repeated by hundreds of users multiplies the number of attackers and the chances of causing greater harm to the victim. Cyberbullying also increases the victim’s “feeling of helplessness and inability to escape,” who is exposed 24 hours a day to online attacks. According to recent studies, cyber victims are three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts than the rest of the physically or verbally harassed.

From Toldos Guardamar we want to make all parents aware that they learn to detect any change, no matter how minor, in their child. For this it is important to talk to our children and that they learn to trust us just as they would with their best friend. And although it sounds like utopia, dialogue and trust is the best weapon to detect it and stop it in time.


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