Toldos Guardamar wishes to celebrate that day that we all need from time to time. Relaxing is a matter of will.

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Although no one knows for sure since when and how World Relaxation Day arose, the truth is that for some years this celebration has become popular and the fact that it falls on the summer holidays of many people, August 15, makes it the ideal time of year to pamper ourselves, even if only for a day.

In case you didn’t know, stress is one of the main triggers for diseases such as high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity and even diabetes. If within our daily or weekly routine, we do not spend time disconnecting from work and all the factors that can cause us stress, most likely our body’s cry for help ends up being a trip to the emergency room of any hospital. This is the main reason the world spends a whole day relaxing.

Benefits of relaxing.

Any rest that we give to our body and especially to the mind, allows us to reorder the functions and biological processes of our body. In simple words, every time we relax, the same thing happens in our system that happens in the operating system of a PC when we reset it. Our entire processor, which would be the body, analyzes each of our processes in depth, correcting errors and helping us to reorganize ourselves both physically and mentally, as happens every night every time we reach REM sleep, which is the phase in which we actually dream and we purge our brain of all that information that disturbs us and is not useful to us.

Toldos Guardamar encourages you to invest more in your health at all levels, and relaxing from time to time is very important. For example, with activities such as meditation, yoga, sports activities and why not … Disconnect from technology from time to time.


“Our philosophy is our identity” – Agustín Salvat

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