Toldos Guardamar believes in a world where solidarity is the basis of human relationships.

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At Toldos Guardamar we are convinced that solidarity is necessary, not only with people, but also with the environment. We also believe in the benefits of instilling solidarity in children, as they are the seed of the future, and what you are today … you will be tomorrow.


On August 31 of each year the International Day of Solidarity is celebrated. This date was chosen in honor of the Polish social movement Solidarity, which was represented in 1980 by the trade union ‘Solidarność’. This movement was one of the many responsible for the fall of the Berlin Wall. Furthermore, one of its leaders, Lech Walesa, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize thanks to the fact that he promoted the ideals of solidarity not only in his country of origin but throughout the planet.

How to celebrate the international day of solidarity.

To celebrate this day, we must first be aware of what the true needs of our community, city or country are. According to the UN itself, this day does not have a fixed program, each country or town is free to celebrate it as best suits the needs of its inhabitants. What should not be lost sight of is that all activity must reflect a spirit of solidarity fostered by the desire for the common good.

Among the activities that are most often carried out throughout the world are the following:

  • Feed the most disadvantaged.
  • Collect clothes for the poor.
  • Carry out recreation and leisure activities in public areas.
  • Help children and seniors in the area where you live.
  • Hold completely free health days.

At Toldos Guardamar we have been practicing the good art of solidarity for a long time. We collaborate with Unicef, MSF (Doctors without borders)

Because for us solidarity, being able to help people, animals, and the environment, is so important that it deserves our full attention.


“Our philosophy is

our identity” – Agustín Salvat

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