Awnings: energy efficiency and protection of your home

Functions and uses of pergolas in private homes
7 June, 2022
29 July, 2022
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Awnings provide much more than protection against the inclemency of external elements, in fact, these structures are currently designed with materials that improve the energy efficiency of the home or the space where they are installed.

What is energy efficiency?

To better understand this concept, we must start by clearly defining what the term energy efficiency means. In this regard, we can say that this expression refers to the process of optimizing energy consumption in general.

This means that energy efficiency seeks to protect the environment by significantly reducing the indiscriminate use of energy, minimizing CO2 emissions, as well as reducing the cost associated with its consumption.

How can awnings increase energy efficiency in your home?

The main way that an awning has to increase the energy efficiency of the home is by protecting these spaces from the direct incidence of solar rays, especially UV radiation, in this way it is possible to reduce the temperature inside the house, and therefore Consequently, less energy is needed to air-condition the place.

According to some studies carried out by the European Solar Control Commission (ES-SO), awnings can significantly reduce the energy consumption needed to air-condition the interior. Achieving with this, a substantial saving in the monthly rate, as well as a clear contribution to the well-being of the environment.

On the other hand, architects specialized in climate control use and promote the use of awnings to improve the energy performance of buildings, and recommend the use of 100% acrylic canvases because these are the ones that protect the greatest degree from the incidence of UVA rays. These canvases are the ones we use at Toldos Guardamar, and in addition to reducing energy consumption, which affects our pockets more every day, we can guarantee better thermal and visual comfort that allows you to enjoy your outdoor spaces. You will be able to enjoy your terrace or garden under a delicious shade and with the tranquility that energy saving and comfort bring to our lives.

If you want to improve the energy efficiency of your home, we recommend installing awnings outside the house, and for this, do not hesitate to contact Toldos Guardamar. We are specialized in designing and manufacturing awnings based on your needs and offering you the best solution for a happy home and life.

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