Tips for a good Back to School

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It never hurts to keep in mind different guidelines to Back to School

What to do to have a good back to school?

From Toldos Guardamar we want to share with you some tips to help the kids to have a good back to school. One of the best tips is that when there are two weeks to go back, they adjust the sleep routines and little by little you have to adapt the rhythms to the new schedule, getting up early, having breakfast, going to bed early, etc. In this way a progressive adaptation will be made.

Preparing with them all the school material is another option that will help them to think that the return is closer than they think. You have to buy books, cover them, your backpack or school uniform is essential.

Do not forget to tell them about the many positive things that come with starting a new course, such as going back to meet their friends, learn a lot of things, go hiking, make new friends, etc.

A new course can cause nerves among the little ones, so it is always advisable to listen to them and answer their questions, to know what their fears and concerns are. We must give them maximum confidence, given that the new course will be a great challenge for them and a new situation that they will have to face.

Finally, there is a very important aspect that must be taken into account, that of accompanying them on the first day of school, something that will make the separation less traumatic. As they have been taken to school, it never hurts to go to pick them up, always on time, showing us happy and above all, being interested in everything they tell us.

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