Tips to buy an awning in areas with strong wind gusts

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We are at a good time to prepare our home for the summer season and place sun protection systems, such as awnings. Most cases do not require awnings of specific characteristics, but when you have to place them in areas with strong gusts of wind, things change and you have to choose those that best suit this specific condition.

Tips to buy an awning for areas with strong wind gusts

In this case, it is recommended to have the advice and experience of a consolidated company, with extensive know-how in these projects, that can provide an effective and safe solution, with awnings of the highest quality. It is advisable that the chosen company uses stainless screws of a special length so that the awning is anchored more securely to the facade or any other place where it will be attached.

In addition to the need for a special structure, the awning can be automated to improve safety, which will make it much more efficient. To this, we must add the installation of a micro-perforated canvas to offer less resistance to the airflow and provide a safety bonus for those days when there is too much wind. Additionally, this detail of the micro-perforated fabric will mean that the canvas will not end up tearing with the passage of time.

When we are looking for an awning of these characteristics, as customers, we must ensure that they comply with the European standard UNE-EN 13561: 2015. In this regulation, the most up to date, two classes of awnings are established (and not three as previously) according to their ability to resist wind gusts.

In this way, we will find Class 1, which are awnings that withstand approximately 28 Km / h and those of Class 2 that can endure about 38 Km / h. Previously, in the specifications of the regulations of 2004 or 2009 there was a Class 3, which had a resistance of about 49 Km / h.

Are you thinking about installing a highly wind resistant awning in your home? Feel free to contact us!

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