Toldos Santa Pola

28 September, 2019
Mantenimiento de toldos

Tips for conserving your awning

An awning can make the difference between being able to enjoy your terrace all year round or only when there are clouds, but no rain, and […]
27 September, 2019
Restaurantes: beneficios de contar con un toldo

Restaurants: benefits of having an awning

Since awnings arrived in Spain in 1936, they have been installed in all types of businesses, protecting shop windows and the entrances of shops, workshops, pastry […]
25 September, 2019
Escapadas finde por la montaña de Alicante

No more plans after the holidays?

Summer is over and holidays are a thing of the past. Everyone goes back to their jobs, to their studies, to their obligations, and the tourist […]
5 September, 2019

Differentiate your terrace from the rest with design

In these times of urban overcrowding, having a terrace on which to enjoy the sun and rest is a luxury that not everyone can afford. But, […]

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