
23 October, 2018

Vitamin D, the sun’s vitamin

Vitamin D is very important for our body, especially for the skin, but it also helps regulate the levels of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, […]
30 August, 2018
tomando el sol

How long should we be sunbathing?

With the arrival of summer, sunbathing is one of the most common activities that can be done, which will allow us to get tanned, but also […]
3 July, 2018

10 healthy reasons to sunbathe

With the arrival of good weather, sunbathing becomes an activity that many people practice. Although you have to take precautionary measures, the sunbathe is not bad, […]
27 May, 2018

5 sun protectors that you can not forget in your beach bag

Little by little the sunny days are coming and, if you are one of the people who love to tan, you should know that you can […]

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