
27 January, 2019

Toldos Guardamar wants honour to the millions of victims of the holocaust

On January 27, the International Commemoration Day is celebrated in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The UN General Assembly decided in 2005 to declare […]
20 January, 2019

Toldos Guardamar says NO to sadness

According to the psychologist Cliff Arnall, the third Monday in January is the saddest day of the year. In many places it is cold and raining. […]
22 November, 2018

Top Christmas Markets in Alicante and province

Although Christmas is still far away, it never hurts to prepare some activity to perform as a family, with your partner, friends or even alone. Alicante […]
16 October, 2018

Top DIY costumes for Halloween

As happens in Carnival, Halloween or any other event that requires going in disguise, the costumes, by tradition, must be made with those things that we […]

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