Skin cancer: prevention and information

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When the good weather arrives, many people love to sunbathe and enjoy their tan, although you have to do it always taking the appropriate precautions, such as the use of a protector with a high factor. Measures as simple as this can help you to avoid the risk of getting skin cancer.

Preventing skin cancer is possible

Sun is very beneficial for our body and, in summer, we can enjoy it in a thousand and one different ways. For example, we can have a good time under a sun protection system such as we offer you in Toldos Guardamar, enjoying a good meal among family or friends, but when you have to enjoy the sun, you have to take precautions to prevent skin cancer.

Sun exposure is one of the main risk factors for skin cancer and, therefore, we must take all possible precautions to minimize this risk that can affect us all.

For example, it is recommended to apply a sunscreen that is water resistant, with a minimum of factor 30, or even more. This product provides protection against UVA and UVB rays.

It is important to keep in mind that the hours in which the sun’s rays are strongest are between 10 o’clock in the morning and 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. The recommendation is to look for a shadowy area to protect yourself in an appropriate way.

If you are going to be near sand, water or even snow, be careful as they reflect and may even intensify the sun’s rays, increasing the chances of burning.

Finally, it is advisable to wear protective clothing, better if it is white, as well as sunglasses and a cap or hat and also eat a balanced diet where the products rich in vitamin D abound.

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