Recommendations for the best care of your awning hardware

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In general, in Toldos Guardamar when we talk about the maintenance of an awning, people think that it is about the care of the canvas or the metal structure of the same, however, there are other elements that are crucial for the optimal functioning of the awnings, such as example hardware.

In this sense, it is important to mention that the care of the fittings

 of an awning not only involves the moving parts, such as hinges, joints and gears, but we must also include the structure itself.

To begin, we must be clear that, in most cases, the fittings of an awning is made of metal, in this way when these elements are exposed to the action of external agents, such as the sun, wind, cold and rain, a progressive deterioration of the surface occurs and, consequently, its subsequent oxidation.

Due to this it is advisable to keep all the parts that make up the awning clean. In this sense, to clean the metal structure of the awning, we can use water, some type of brush or cloth, and remember to leave it completely dry.

While it is true that this kind of structure can be of considerable size, the truth is that with a little patience and effort we can clean the awning in its entirety on our own.

Now, if for some reason, we cannot carry out this kind of activity, we can always count on the help of cleaning experts who will do the job in a much more professional way.

Always remember to keep the fittings of your awning free of dust and dirt so that it can extend its useful life. In addition to this, in the case of mobile awnings, never grease these parts of the awning with any type of grease or oil on your own. If you have questions about the operation of your awning, contact Toldos Guardamar, our technical team, with 40 years of experience, will give you a free review of your awning and will help you to make it perfect for its correct use.

Contact us. We are here to help you.

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