Here is the recipe for grandma’s Christmas cookies

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Christmas is a time in which we are constantly receiving in our home numerous visits from all our friends and family.

Are you one of those who always surprise your guests with a special recipe typical of those dates? Are you running out of ideas? Don’t worry! We’re going to give you a very simple Christmas cookie’s recipe that your guests will not be able to resist.

Surely, when you receive visits at Christmas you like that your friends and family perceive the warmth of your home as you do.

So, what’s better for this than inviting them to a good coffee accompanied by cookies that remind them of their grandmothers?

From Toldos Guardamar, we want to help you in that task, because we also love that our clients, when they come to visit us, feel our warmth and protection. We just want you to worry about relaxing and feeling at home, that we take care of everything else!

Because we not only want to offer you an awning and nothing else, we want you to have a great experience in our facilities, so you know you can come back whenever you want. We will welcome you with open arms as you have in your home.

Therefore, we would like to help you surprise your guests with a good Christmas cookie’s recipe on this important date as Christmas.

What ingredients will we need to prepare our cookies?

We are going to provide the necessary ingredients to make this dessert for four people, but if you want to make it for more diners you just have to put the quantities of these ingredients in proportion to the number of people you want to invite.

300 g flour

100 g of brown sugar

150 g of butter

1 egg

1 tea’ spoon of yeast

Fondant of different colors.

Preparation of Grandma’s Christmas cookies recipe

In a bowl, we mix the butter, the egg and the sugar. After this, add the flour and the flour and mix them with the previous ingredients until obtaining a homogeneous mass.

We put flour on a smooth surface and spread the previous mass on it and cut it with the shape we want to give our cookies.

We preheat the oven to 180ºC and bake for 20 minutes.

Once made, we can only decorate them to our liking with the colorful fondant.

Do we get down to work? We hope that your guests and, of course you, enjoy them so much!

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