Low consumption Christmas decorations

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Christmas is a time of the year when we love to receive our loved ones in our homes to spend great moments with them.

At Toldos Guardamar we love that our clients, when they arrive at our facilities, feel comfortable as if they were in their own home.

Therefore, at this time we love that our facilities and our home are decorated with ornaments and Christmas decorations to receive our guests.

In the same way that we like the outdoor areas of our clients’ homes to be a comfortable space with a touch of style, in part, thanks to our solar protection systems. We also love that the place where we work and live be a pleasant space in which to spend a pleasant time.

Are you also passionate about placing Christmas decorations in the outdoor areas of your home? Welcome to the Toldos Guardamar family!

We are at a time when we have to take care of our natural environment, so in Toldos Guardamar we try to use, for this task, Christmas decorations of low consumption that respect our environment, as much as posible, and we would greatly appreciate that you could also do it.

For this reason, we want to give you some ideas of low consumption Christmas decorations that you can use to decorate your home during Christmas.

Ideas of low consumption Christmas decorations

LED lights

One of the elements that most attract our attention when decorating and preparing the exteriors of our home for Christmas are the lights.

Our proposal is that, instead of using old and traditional lights, we use low consumption LED lights.

Decorations made with recycled materials

In one of our previous posts, we talked about how we could create our own Christmas decorations with recycled materials.

A good option to set a Christmas dinner in the garden of our home is to use candles that we can put in a candle holder created by ourselves, to give a more intimate and stylish to our table.

Rustic ornaments

Natural resources also offer us a big range of possibilities when it comes to creating our Christmas decorations.

We can make super creative garlands made with dried pineapples that fall from the trees, giving a different touch to our terrace.

Covers chairs with Christmas shapes

Provide originality to the exterior furniture of your home with covers made by yourself!

You can use scraps of clothes that you don’t use to make covers with different shapes: Santa Claus hat, reindeers, snowmen, stars … etc.

Giant snowman

You can put a giant snowman in the entrance of your garden to receive the guests … And you only need cardboard or plastic cups to do it!

Just make two balls with glasses, put them together and add the details you want with your clothes.


Have you seen how simple it is to create Christmas decorations that, in addition to decorating our home, contribute, in a certain way, to respecting our environment? We hope you put them into practice and show them to us when you come to visit the facilities of Toldos Guardamar!

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