How to make compost from organic waste?

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From Toldos Guardamar we would like to share with you all useful information, and this time we are going to talk about how to make homemade compost from organic waste that can be generated in any home.

What is compost and how is it made?

To begin, let’s explain what compost is. It is an organic fertilizer obtained thanks to the natural decomposition of organic waste, either by means of earthworms or through microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Approximately 100 kilos of waste can produce 20 kilos of compost.

This will allow you to have a fantastic garden, healthy and well fertilized. If you accompany it with flowers, plants, furniture for garden and sun protection systems like the ones we offer in Toldos Guardamar, you will surely be the envy of the neighborhood.

To make the compost does not require any kind of machine or a large investment, just a space inside the house where you can place a composter, which is nothing more than a container where you can mix organic waste and where transform this waste into the final product.

One of its advantages is that you do not have to spend too much time, you have to periodically remove the content to be able to aerate it as well as keep the waste moist and let it gradually degrade. In about 5 or 6 months you can get a compost of a fairly good quality.

Only organic waste can be composted, usually food remains such as coffee grounds, vegetables, fruit, vegetables, yoghurts and similar products that are expired, etc. With a gesture as simple as this you can get a fantastic fertilizer for the soil of the garden or any other space.

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