Geocaching: A world of hidden treasures around us

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One of the activities that is currently in fashion is Geocaching, which consists of hiding and finding treasures thanks to the GPS of our smartphone or mobile device, that has this technology. It is a great way to move around the city, or in any place where we are traveling, as if it were a gymkhana.

How to participate in Geocaching

On the Geocaching website we can sign up, then we will download an application to our mobile phone and we can start to operate with it. We can hide an object without too much value, called a ”cache”, in a specific point of the countryside or the city.

Then, we will log the geographic coordinates in the platform where we have registered so that the rest of users can find it, and they can spend an entertaining day knowing the different places of the area in which we live. When we find the object, we can keep it but leave another of the same value.

Thanks to this activity, you will be able to know many of the places of the city, while you are playing and searching the different treasures that can be hidden in a certain spot. It is a great activity to do with both the family and friends, that can take us an afternoon, or as long as we want, because there will always be treasures to find, especially in the larger cities.

It is important to remember that there are different levels of difficulty to play Geocaching that go from 1/1 to 5/5, which is the most difficult.It is advisable to start from the most basic level, so that it does not require too much effort to find the caches and, in this way, motivate yourself to find the most difficult ones.

It is said that whoever tries it, ends up repeating. Do you dare to participate in this activity?

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