Functions and uses of pergolas in private homes

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When summer arrives, people tend to spend more time outdoors and enjoy the good weather, however, being exposed to the sun more than indicated is not advisable, for this reason, various structures have been developed that allow us to combine the best of both worlds, such as pergolas.

What are pergolas?

Pergolas are structures made up of columns that in turn support longitudinal beams. These elements do not have lateral or horizontal enclosures, since the roof beams are separated to allow the passage of light, wind and, to a lesser extent, the sun.

Originally, pergolas were designed for use in the garden, and in ancient times it was customary to plant climbing plants that over time occupied all the beams on the ceiling, forming a natural decorative structure that at the same time served to protect us from the sun.

What do we call pergolas or palillerías in Toldos Guardamar?

They are structures similar to traditional pergolas but differ from them in that they have a cover made of acrylic canvas, which provides maximum sun protection to your awning. The structure is made of high-quality aluminium, oven-lacquered to allow greater durability. The structure of the roof deck is made up of sticks (thinner and lighter but very resistant bars) that allow the roof to be folded. It is a very efficient alternative to traditional pergolas to achieve the best protection against UVA rays and with greater durability.

What are the functions and use of pergolas in a home?

Although it is true that pergolas were originally designed for exclusive use in the garden, there are currently some types of structures that can be used in other areas of the house, such as: terraces, porches, garages or any another outdoor space. For each space there is a different solution and at Toldos Guardamar we can advise you on the best solution and design for your pergola or palillería

Although traditionally they were made mostly of wood, the use of aluminum is becoming more widespread as a material that allows greater resistance and durability.

In general, the main function of pergolas is to create outdoor spaces that limit the incidence of sunlight, creating an area with a natural appearance that invites us to relax and enjoy life.

If you want to install a pergola in your home or are interested in obtaining more information about it, do not hesitate to contact us. At Toldos Guardamar we are experts in offering quality solutions adapted to your needs.

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