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The most important thing throughout a person’s life is his birth, because everything begins with him. It is logical, therefore, that tribute is paid, more than deserved, to the person who gives us life.

Spain is celebrated on the first Sunday of May, but in different parts of the world the day is usually different. Countries, like Korea, even match mother’s day with father’s.

In the Christian world mother’s day was always identified with the day of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, but as the years passed many countries chose to dedicate a day exclusively for mothers.


  • “United Kingdom”. Simnel Cake is traditional in the United Kingdom. It is a rich fruit cake decorated with 11 pieces of marzipan, representing the 11 apostles; That’s right, Judas has no place in this sweet.
  • “Give a flower”. The gift of a carnation or a rose is widespread in many Asian countries on this day. In countries such as China or Japan, perhaps the day of the year that more flowers of this type are sold throughout the year.
  • “Las Mañanitas de México”.In Mexico, after Christmas Day, it is the most important day of the year and very colorful festivities take place throughout all its corners, accompanied by the famous “mañanitas”.
  • “The Australian Chrysanthemum”. In our antipodes, it is a tradition to give chrysanthemums to mothers on the second Sunday of May. Perhaps because chrysanthemum ends in mum.

Regardless of its form of celebration throughout the world, from Toldos Guardamar we invite you to take care of the woman who gave you life on this special day.

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