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Since UNESCO declared in April 29 with the International Day of Dance in 1982, the activities to commemorate this day have been repeated year after year.

Jean Georges Noverre is considered the father of modern ballet and that is why the day of his birth was chosen as the ideal day to celebrate this attractive day.

So much so, that on this day tribute is paid to all versions of both classical and contemporary dance. Considered as art, dance brings extraordinary and little-known benefits that we want to share.

3 great benefits of dance

  • Great alidade against Alzheimer’s and mental illnesses“. The SPANISH CONFEDERATION OF ALZHEIMER, catalogs dance as one of the great weapons to fight this disease. With dance the brain neurons “force” to communicate with each other causing their activity.
  • “Excellent catalyst for the obesity problem.” It is undeniable that any physical exercise contributes to our well-being, but the benefits of dance against obesity are scientifically shown beyond being physical exercise. In half an hour enjoying the practice of dance, some 400 calories are burned.
  • Dancing is confidence and self-esteem.” That’s right, the sociological benefits that this art causes in our personality lead us to a feeling of pleasure and happiness. In addition, we are talking about a social activity that will make us improve our social interaction and an excellent ally against shyness.

From Toldos Guardamar, we encourage you to start in the fantastic world of family dance. In addition to helping our mind and body, it will allow us to share family moments.

We leave you this link where we can start in this beautiful world and start cultivating our mind and body. You are already telling us about the experience.

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