RECOMENDACIÓN LITERARIA Nº2: Toldos Guardamar a favor de la cultura en tiempos de confinamiento
15 April, 2020
28 April, 2020
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dia de la creatividad

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On April 15, Leonardo Da Vinci was born, one of the most influential people in human history. It brought an extraordinary turn to thought and art, laying the foundation for many advances to come.

Marci Segal, Canadian publicist, wanted in April 2001 to dedicate a week to creativity and establish April 21 as a star day in human creativity and innovation. From April 15 to 21 he wanted to show his colleagues that they need to innovate. It is the great and innovative ideas that have transformed our lives, especially in times of crisis.

Our current situation of confinement due to COVID 19, gives us the necessary time to invest in new initiatives for the present and future. Opportunities for improvement and growth always exist, and many companies are already beginning to adapt to the new times that are to come.

After COVID 19, almost certainly, we will find one of the most creative times of the last hundred years. The need to adapt to a new reality will imply by default that many companies and people must “reinvent themselves”.


Creativity does not always come without looking for it and “you have to go for it.” We facilitate the process to bring innovative ideas to our lives or businesses that help us face the times that are to come.

  • “Clearly state what you want to change” . A new idea usually implies a change and it must be clear that you want to change. Take time to determine three things you want to improve in the future.
  • Surround yourself with subject matter experts “. Try that they are multidisciplinary and that they give you an external and objective vision. Without a doubt, they can make you see situations that you are unable to see. No great invention of history would have been possible without previous contributions from other people.
  • Don’t be in a hurry “. The reward can be enormous and will take time to reach. Sometimes it is not necessary to change completely but simply modulate or introduce additional things.
  • Trust you “. Sooner or later self-confidence will lead you to establish changes that will help you in your day to day, work and personally.

Do not hesitate. From Toldos Guardamar we are always at your disposal for any questions or doubts you may need. Our philosophy has always been, is and will be to seek the well-being of our clients.

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