Something that we over 65 know.
19 September, 2022
19 de Octubre, Día Internacional del cáncer de mama
19 October, 2022
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Never laugh when your parents are over technology, remember they taught you how to use a spoon.

Since the oldest civilizations, the role of the elderly in society has been of vital importance for its progress, maintaining the principles that strengthen coexistence and respect among all.

You, those over 65, have been responsible for the progress of our current society. It has been you with your sweat, your time, your work, your effort and sacrifice, who have built our present. Your love and values ​​are essential to guarantee the future that we all want.

It is true, now we live faster, but nothing will ever replace the experience accumulated during so many years of learning and hard work. An adequate generational change will never be possible without the support of those who came before. This transition needs you.

It is unacceptable that our society is not aware of the protection of this group of people that has provided us with so much benefit and that has allowed us today to have the freedom and development that we have achieved.

At Toldos Guardamar we do have these values ​​as our beacon, and that is why we are convinced that every day we will be better, more efficient, but above all, more humane.

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