At Toldos Guardamar we think that Tolerance is one of the basic principles for a better social coexistence.

13 November, 2020
For a deeper reflection in these difficult times.
19 November, 2020
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dia de la tolerancia

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In 1995, the member countries of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. November 16 was specified as the date to celebrate this day for tolerance.

The Declaration affirms, among other things, that tolerance is not indulgence or indifference, but is respect and knowing how to appreciate the richness and variety of the world’s cultures and the different forms of expression of human beings. Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; Only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the world.

How to fight intolerance?

Fighting intolerance requires a legal framework.
Governments must enforce human rights laws, prohibit crimes and discrimination against minorities, and must guarantee equal access to the courts of justice.
Fighting intolerance requires education.
Intolerance is often born out of ignorance, fear of the unknown, and an exaggerated sense of the value of one’s own.
Fighting intolerance requires access to information.
The best way to combat intolerance is to promote laws that protect the right to information and freedom of the press.
Fighting intolerance requires individual awareness.
Intolerance in society is the sum of individual intolerances. Therefore, we must examine our role in the vicious circle that leads to mistrust and violence in society.
Fighting intolerance requires local solutions.
The problems that affect us are increasingly global, but solutions can be local, almost individual. We are all part of the solution.

Toldos Guardamar’s message is one of respect and tolerance for others. Only in this way can we successfully exit the delicate moment in which we find ourselves.


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