In Toldos Guardamar we explain everything you need to choose an awning for your home

Recommendations for the best care of your awning hardware
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If we want to enjoy the sunny days in our house, but at the same time we are worried about the excess of sun and heat, nothing better than having a beautiful awning that protects us from the weather while we enjoy the outdoors, for this reason in Toldos Guardamar we will explain everything you need to know to choose an awning for your home.

To begin we must know what type of material is the most indicated, since there are different types of awnings that are made depending on the use or location they will have, for example, there are awnings made of polyester, microperforated fabrics and acrylic.

Each of these materials has its own characteristics, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, in this sense we can say, that acrylic is quite resistant and durable but its sun protection capacity is inferior. On the other hand, the microperforated fabric offers an excellent protective barrier against UVA rays and allows air circulation.

As for the color of the awning, it is important that it is chosen according to the amount of sunlight that affects the place, since for spaces with low lighting it is recommended to use white colors or warm tones, while for areas with high lighting it is advisable to use darker colors since they provide a feeling of superior freshness.

Other characteristics that we must consider when choosing an awning for our home, is its size, the type of structure and the drive system. In this sense, in the market we can get projecting, vertical, motorized and manual awnings, with a wide variety of styles, colors and designs.

Whatever the awning that we finally place in our home, from Toldos Guardamar we remind you that the important thing is that it fulfills its original function, which is to protect, shade, refresh, and at the same time, set the place with a touch of class and distinction.

“Our philosophy is our identity” – Agustín Salvat.

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