
At Toldos Guardamar we love nature and that’s why we love that it has its own world day.

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On December 20, 2013, the UN General Assembly decided to proclaim March 3 as World Nature Day with the aim of raising awareness about the value of wild fauna and flora.

World Nature Day (also known as World Wildlife Day) gives us an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and variety of wild flora and fauna, as well as to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits that conservation of these life forms have for humanity.

Poaching and species trafficking are the most important threats to wildlife, although there are other causes that are also of concern such as habitat loss and climate change.

The celebration of this day also reminds us of the urgent need to combat crimes against nature, which have far-reaching consequences in the economic, environmental, social and health fields.

“Turn a tree into firewood and it may burn for you; but it will no longer produce flowers or fruit. “

Rabindranath Tagore.

Despite everything, Nature continues to give us moments of incomparable beauty. Let’s take care of it so that our children can continue enjoying this beautiful show.

At Toldos Guardamar we have become fully aware that each small act we do is one more step that, together with other small gestures, will help us create the green trend that is our philosophy of life. It is not only about having our own recycling plant, eco-bags, or the gradual change towards hybrid cars, it is creating a current towards the world that everything, even a small gesture, counts to change the dynamics of this wonderful world in which we live.


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