Choose the perfect pergola for your garden

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Having a pergola for the garden is one of the alternatives that you should take into account if you have enough space. In this way you will have a fantastic sun protection system but you will also have it to protect you during the rainy days. In this article we will share with you some details so you can choose the best pergola for your garden.

The first thing you have to do is look for a professional firm such as Toldos Guardamar, which has a wide range of pergolas that will adapt to what is really needed.

What should be considered to choose the right pergola?

The pergolas can be built in different materials, although the most common are aluminum, iron or wood, although they can also be made of plastic materials and be of construction, built with cement or concrete.

Depending on the budget and what is needed, experts can recommend one model or another. Subsequently, we must take into account the coverage of the pergola itself, which can be of different colors, thicknesses, materials and treatments against rain or UV radiation among many other characteristics.

Another aspect that must be taken into account is the situation in which the pergola will be placed. You have to look for one that adapts perfectly to the available space and also take into account the interior space to fit the minimum furniture such as table and chairs, but making sure that there is space between these pieces of furniture and that a comfortable and cozy space is created.

Finally, if you do not have much space in the garden you can choose those pergolas that can be attached to one of the exterior walls of the house, which is another alternative that professionals can also install without problem.

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