Can all awnings be motorized?

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Toldos motorizados

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Nowadays we can find a large number of awning classes in the market and although many people have completely manual models, they do not know that they can incorporate automation to motorize them and make their extension or collection much easier, just by pushing a button.

Motorized awnings, a great comfort

Awning motors can be installed in a large number of different models, so it is a great advantage for those who have manual awnings. If you have any doubts, the best thing you can do is consult experts such as Toldos Guardamar and they will advise you on the process to motorize your awning.

Having a professional and personalized advice will allow any person, not only to choose the awning that best suits what is needed, but also can motorize the awning to provide maximum comfort at all times.

The installation of motors for awnings allows maximum comfort because with just a button or a remote control you can activate the extension or collection of the awning when it is sunny, rainy or too windy, being able to do it without having to move from the lounger or from inside the house.

Virtually all awnings can be motorized and for this they require a power line to operate. You can also incorporate different elements such as sensors so that they are picked up automatically when it starts to rain or it is too windy and nobody is at home.

Now you know that you can motorize your awning, you just have to consult with the experts on what is the best system to do it and thus be able to enjoy the summer without having to worry about opening or closing it. And all for much less money than you can imagine.

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