More than an awning: a new comfort space at home

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Are you looking between different options which is the ideal way to give a touch of comfort to your home? We have the solution for you!

Among all the elements that can help us and our guests, feel more comfortable in our home, such as: the colors we use in decoration, comfortable furniture…etc. One of the factors that bring comfort to our home is an awning.

This is because this type of sun protection systems not only allow us to be protected from the sun in summer and rains in winter, thanks to it, we can enjoy the garden of our house during all seasons without having to worry about nothing more than to spend a pleasant time in it. What can give us more energy than being relaxed enjoying the outdoors without worrying about anything?

In Toldos Guardamar we are experts in the design, manufacture and installation of awnings in the province of Alicante, especially in cities like: Altea, Javea, Denia or Benidorm. Therefore, we know that when our customers decide to install an awning in their home, they are acquiring a new lifestyle, characterized by the relax and comfort that this solar protection system gives them.

But in addition to the confort, that involves the installation of an awning in your home, this also has a lot of benefits. Would you like to know them? We encourage you to continue reading!

Advantages of installing an awning in your home


As we have said before, this is the main benefit, among many others, that the installation of an awning will provide us.

The majority of solar protection systems we offer in Toldos Guardamar, are totally resistant to inclement weather, protecting us from rain water, wind and excessive sun and heat in summer.

In addition, they act as a great thermal regulator, making our home always at a perfect temperature.

From Toldos Guardamar we ensure your comfort and, therefore, our philosophy is that we only want you to relax while we take care of everything else.

New atmosphere in your home

Installing an awning in the outdoor areas of our home, allows us to create a new stay in our garden, in which we can enjoy different environments: on the one hand, we can organize outdoor events with our friends or family, and in another, we can relax and enjoy a good moment of reading and relaxing, for example.


From Toldos Guardamar, we offer the possibility that our clients can choose the color of the canvas, the size of the awning, the shape, the type … etc

Because we know that each client has specific needs and tastes, and we want our solar protection systems to be the ones that adapt to them.


Thanks to the fact that we use new technologies and innovate in all our designs, we offer a three-year guarantee, in which Toldos Guardamar covers the production and installation of your awning, the displacement and assembly…etc.


Would you like to experience this feeling of comfort that brings an awning to your home? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We Will very happy to help you.

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