Are all awnings water resistant?

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toldos resistentes al agua - awnings water resistant

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You may have wondered at some time if all the awnings that are currently on the market are awnings resistant to water. Unfortunately not and although everyone could hold a few drops of rain, it would have to be dried well before rolling them up and storing them again to avoid the proliferation of mold.

Not all awnings are water resistant

Although the awnings are usually used to protect against the incidence of sun rays, from Toldos Guardamar we want to remind you that there are awnings specifically created to withstand rain and that can be deployed without any kind of problem in the rainy months.

This kind of awnings are used in areas where there is a lot of rainfall throughout the year and the only thing that differentiates them from other awnings is the fabric with which they are made. Many of them are made with fabrics that have as a main component the PVC, which is perfectly designed to resist without any problem the rain.

Keep in mind that there are not many differences between a rain-resistant awning with a conventional one in addition to the fabric with which it is made. Of these fabrics we emphasize that they are totally waterproof and take very little time to dry. Normally this kind of awnings have a certain inclination besides a water evacuation system and an anti-rust treatment of the parts that compose it, that simple.

Now you know that not all awnings are prepared to resist water, so if you plan to install one and the area where you live suffers too much rainfall throughout the year, we invite you to get in touch with us. We will study your case in a personalized way and we will advise you which is the awning that best suits what you are looking for.

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