Something that we over 65 know.

Bad practices to avoid with your awning
31 August, 2022
29 September, 2022
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Our generation, the one that raised with the sweat of their hands the society in which we live today. Which did not need technology to meet and connect with each other, a handshake, a hug, a smile, a look, a kiss was enough…

I remember my time as a young man full of dreams, eager to eat the world in one bite and expand my horizons. Today, at 66 years old, I realize that this is a very necessary process that every human being must experience in order to realize and understand what is truly important in life.

In the first place: the family; our parents, siblings, partner, children and those whom we call friends but who are really the family we choose. Those who are in the best and most difficult moments of your life, are the ones to whom we really owe ourselves.

Secondly: happiness, no matter what, but we must always try to be happy, always smile, it is our right and it should be our natural state, it has to be our decision and this depends on our attitude towards life.

Third: kindness. I have learned that there is nothing that makes me happier than doing something for others, that everyday problems are always solved in one way or another, putting love and enthusiasm into everything around us, being kind, respectful, polite and always asking ourselves: what are we doing for others?

And finally, the most important thing I have learned in recent times: always try to do the little ordinary things in an extraordinary way, so we will see how something as simple as sharing a coffee with a friend, watching a sunset, admiring the fluttering of a butterfly can become a wonderful moment.

For all these reasons, I invite you to enjoy life to the full, to be extraordinary in every minute, to continue building the future together with the youngest and to make each person who approaches us better and happier.

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