Small actions that help to take care of the planet

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Caring for the planet should be something that everyone should keep in mind, especially now that climate change is so remarkable, although it is something that should have been done before. The summer temperatures are higher and in winter are warmer, it rains in areas where it had not normally rained before, etc. What can we do to take care of the planet?

Tips to take care of the planet

In Toldos Guardamar we are always respectful with the environment and we love taking care of the planet. We want you to do it too, so we give you a few tips so you can do it too.

Water is a common good that we all enjoy, but it will not be eternal, so we must save on its use. When we shower or we are brushing our teeth, we must keep the tap closed so as not to waste it.

In summer, it is important to make the most of natural light in the home so as not to turn on the light at any time. If we are not going to use an electrical device it is better to turn it off and not leave it on standby or sleeping, like the desktops or laptops we all know.

Betting on the use of public transport instead of your own vehicle is another of the alternatives that must be taken into account and if you can walk much better. We will not waste fuel and keep in shape.

If you can, rely on solar energy, learn to recycle, reduce your waste and with organic waste you can learn to make compost, ideal for your garden, for example. When using the washing machine wait until it is 90% charged and do not wash hot or use long programs, it consumes a lot of electricity and water.

Do not forget to buy wisely, do not waste and bet on natural detergents instead of industrial ones. They are small gestures but very important to take care of the planet.

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