march 8 women’s day

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Historically, women have been undervalued in their human condition, diminishing their rights when compared to the male sex, and despite the fact that the modern world has become aware of this problem, there are still some vestiges and pockets of resistance that refuse to recognize the gender equality that should exist between men and women.

Under this scenario, the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization held in 1977 decreed March 8 as International Women’s Day, however, this event has a much longer history that begins with a trade union movement beginning of the 20th century, which tried to vindicate the rights of working women in the United States.

As a result of these events, the first National Women’s Day was established on February 28, 1909 in North America. A year later, at a meeting held in the capital of Denmark, the International Conference of Socialist Women was held, where March 8 was declared International Working Women’s Day.

Later, during the year 1913, Russian women created a movement in favor of peace where they exalted the values ​​and rights of the female sex on equal terms. After the 1977 decree by the UN, most countries recognized March 8 as International Women’s Day.

More recently, in 2011, the United Nations Organization created the “UN Women”, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to generate programs and policies that allow the active defense of all the fundamental rights of women to that they can develop their full potential.

Finally we can mention that as part of the 2030 agenda for the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), the empowerment of women and gender equality was established in its objective number 5.

At Toldos Guardamar we are committed to giving voice and visibility to all those causes that are necessary. Representing the value that each and every woman deserves not only today but every day of the year is one of the fundamental pillars in the fight for gender equality.

“Our philosophy is our identity” – Agustín Salvat.

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