7 tips to reduce, reuse and recycle

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Respect for the environment is not a trend, but something that everyone should be aware of and it is something that anyone can do at home, starting by reducing the consumption of water or electricity, making a good recycling of what supposedly is unusable and many other details that we are going to talk about in this article.

<h2>Useful tips to reduce, reuse and recycle</h2>

Reducing energy consumption is very important and can be achieved with many tips, such as using double-button tanks and pressing only the lowest water discharge for just passing water. Also, when we are applying soap we must turn off the water to not waste it, as well as the electricity or gas that heat it.

Another aspect of great importance may be familiar if you go to hotels with some frequency. The towels can be used more than once, nothing happens. In this way, not only water but electricity will be saved and the cost in detergent, with the consequent respect for the environment.

Changing the daily use of paper napkins for cloth ones is also another way to reduce spending and reuse something that everyone has at home and we do not use as much, especially for convenience.

To reduce spending on electricity, we must make the most of daylight, especially now that the days are longer. If it is possible, the washing machine should be put on at night, as long as it does not make too much noise or disturb the neighbors, so the energy cost will be lower.

Opting for LED lighting technology is another great idea. These bulbs last longer and produce much more light than conventional bulbs.

Air conditioning can be another of the most important expenses in terms of energy in the home. Therefore, it is important to remember that in summer, it is advisable not going under 21 degrees Celsius inside the house. Lower temperature would be an unnecessary expense.

Finally, good windows are a great investment for the future. Insulated and double glazed, both for winter and summer.

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