April 7 World Health Day

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Health is our main asset, without it nothing would be possible, for this reason it is essential to promote a healthy lifestyle, in line with new trends in food, sports activities and scientific innovation.

In this context, the world has witnessed important advances in health that have considerably lengthened the life expectancy of the general population, in addition to the creation of different organizations that help promote health for all equally.

One of these institutions is, without a doubt, the World Health Organization (WHO), an entity attached to the UN that specializes in developing and managing public policies framed in achieving the health of all citizens of the world.

As part of its organizational structure, the WHO organizes the “World Health Assembly” every year, which is attended by delegations from the 193 countries that comprise it, and in it the health policies of the organization are discussed, reviewed and approved. .

In one of these meetings, specifically in 1948, the World Health Assembly decided to proclaim April 7 as “World Health Day”, to commemorate the creation of the WHO.

Since then, this day is commemorated every year to raise awareness about various diseases worldwide, and at the same time, promote better life habits in the population.

Every April 7, the World Health Organization chooses a particular theme that manages to address the most felt needs of the population in terms of health; promoting forums, symposiums, conferences, academic meetings and discussion spaces in which to talk about various aspects, such as diseases, new treatments, scientific research, health policies, social aid, prevention system and communication campaigns aimed at seeking of better living conditions.

At Toldos Guardamar we believe that health is one of the fundamental bases of life and together we must promote a healthy lifestyle that helps us improve our condition and provide a better future for future generations.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it”

Agustín Salvat and Josefina Pelegrín – founders

40th anniversary


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