5 fresh and healthy recipes to enjoy in summer

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Fresh and healthy recipes are essential for the summer season. Therefore, we want to share with you five very easy and quick recipes to make with natural and delicious ingredients.

5 fresh and healthy recipes to enjoy in summer

In Toldos Guardamar we like to advise you on trends and healthy lifestyles, among which is food. That’s why we propose dishes such as lettuce salad with nuts. Choose the lettuce you like the most and add sunflower seeds (peeled), sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts, goji berries, oil, salt and balsamic vinegar. It will surprise you!

Rice is a necessary product in our diet and for the summer, salads with rice are great. Prepare white rice and let it cool, then add sweet corn, peas, olives, pickles, chopped bell pepper, olive oil, a can of tuna and a splash of vinegar. Change it all, chill it in the fridge for two or three hours and it will be ready to eat.

A tomato and almond soup can be very special, especially if it is fresh. Cut 700 grams of tomato into large pieces, peel and chop a clove of garlic, remove the crust to a slice of bread and cut it. Put everything in a food processor with 200ml. of oil, 75ml. of sherry vinegar and 200 grams of raw almonds. Everything should be well emulsified and then add half a liter of salt water and shake it again until it is creamy. Cool three or four hours and it will be ready.

The salad accepts many varieties such as chicken. Use the lettuce you want (mix some different kinds), chop a tomato, add onion cut into julienne strips, add pieces of grilled chicken breast, olives, olive oil, salt and vinegar.

We finish with something quick, fresh and very nutritious, a melon salmorejo. We will put two tomatoes without skin, two slices of melon, a small cucumber without skin, a clove of garlic, a slice of bread, a tablespoon of vinegar, a tablespoon of olive oil and salt in a crusher for 5 minutes. We will pour it in a bowl and decorate with ham and boiled egg on top.


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