19 de Octubre, Día Internacional del cáncer de mama

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A pink day for a full life

Breast cancer is a disease that can affect both men and women, however, the vast majority of diagnoses are made in female patients. According to the World Health Organisation, every minute two cases are diagnosed somewhere in the world, which means that more than one million people a year will begin their fight against this disease.

In Spain, the statistics handled by the Spanish Association against cancer, speak of an annual average of 33,000 new cases, which represents a significant increase when compared to historical figures.

In this context, the WHO decided to establish 19 October as International Breast Cancer Day, with the aim of raising awareness among the general population of the risks of this disease, promoting early diagnosis and increasing timely access to the various treatments available.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Undoubtedly, prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer exponentially increase the rate of full recovery from the disease. For this reason, health authorities recommend an annual check-up with your doctor, as well as a self-examination that is very easy to perform.

In this sense, specialists emphasise regular breast palpation to feel and observe any anomaly or irregularity, and if so, report it immediately to the doctor.

On the other hand, once it has been diagnosed in time, breast cancer has a high probability of being treated and eliminated, for which there are various processes, techniques and medications that help to completely eradicate this condition.

Finally, in recent years science has made significant progress in this area, and in general, life expectancy is very hopeful, hence the importance of celebrating a day as a symbol of the fight against breast cancer.

October is dressed in pink so that no one forgets the responsibility they have with their body, but also that early detection saves lives. From Toldos Guardamar, through our Care initiative, we join the cause and work firmly in the fight against breast cancer.

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