March 19 Father’s Day

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Being a father is a fundamental role that every man should experience, since thanks to him he learns the value of life and the sense of love and protection towards others. On the other hand, when you are the father of a child, he is the father of all the children in the world, and for this reason, it is important to dedicate one day a year to celebrate it in style.

When we talk about Father’s Day, some confusion is generated, because this date is not the same in all the countries of the world, being celebrated on March 19, May 8, the first Sunday of June, June 5, the second Sunday in June, June 17, the third Sunday in June, August 8, the first Sunday in September, the second Sunday in November and December 26.

Each of these dates will depend on the country where it is celebrated, however the Catholic tradition celebrates it on March 19, which is the day of the putative father of Jesus and husband of Mary, the carpenter Joseph of Nazareth.

The countries where March 19 is celebrated as Father’s Day are the following:

  • Andorra
  • Belgium
  • Bolivian
  • Canton Ticino of Switzerland
  • Croatia
  • Spain
  • Honduras
  • Italy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Portugal

The idea of ​​celebrating Father’s Day is assigned to a woman of American origin named Sonora Smart Dodd who decided to honor her father Henry Jackson Smart in 1909, for having served with honors during the United States Civil War.

As the story goes, Mr. Henry Jackson Smart was left a widower when his sixth child was born, so he had to raise them and move forward completely alone on a farm located in the state of Washington.

At that time, Sonora Smart Dodd proposed her father’s birthday (June 19) as Father’s Day, however, this date was changed over time, and the idea of ​​celebrating a Father’s Day spread to all countries of the world. world.

From Toldos Guardamar, we want to congratulate all the parents of the world for their work and from here we invite them to share a special moment with their children, showing them all the love and affection that a father feels towards them.

“Our philosophy is our identity” – Agustín Salvat.

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