February 14 Valentine’s Day

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We all know that February 14 is celebrated on Valentine’s Day, or the day of love and friendship, but did you know that this date has a religious and military origin? To begin this story we must delve into ancient Rome during the third century after Christ, where a monk converted to Christianity decided to go against the laws dictated by Emperor Claudius II “the Gothic”, which dictated the prohibition of marriages in the young soldiers of the empire.

At that time the emperor of Rome considered that the military in his service should remain single and not father family, because he thought that this way they would not have to occupy their minds in the typical family problems and in this way they would be much more effective in combat.

However, a Christian monk named Valentine, did not agree with this proclamation and decided to go against it by secretly marrying young military men in love. When the emperor learned of this situation, he became so enraged that he had the monk Valentine arrested and ordered his beheading in public in 270 AD.

From that date, the story of Valentine quickly became popular and in a short time he was proclaimed as the saint of all lovers. However, it was not until the year 496 when Pope Gelasius I, decreed February 14 as the day of the Feast of Valentine in honor of the love and life of this noble monk.

Although Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14 in almost all the world, some countries celebrate it on different dates, such as, for example, in Bolivia on September 21, in Brazil on June 12 and in Colombia on the third Saturday of September.

En Toldos Guardamar creemos que cualquier día es perfecto para celebrar el amor, les invitamos a disfrutar de este día tan especial junto a esas personas tan especiales para todos ustedes.

“Nuestra filosofía es nuestra identidad” – Agustín Salvat.

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